Lies, Lies and More Lies....
Ni Sa Bula,
Today, I want to debunk a few myths and lies that the spin doctors working for this regime have spawned, in their efforts to divert attention of the international community from the real and pressing issues that now confront us as a nation.
Principle amongst these is the claim of "moving Fiji forward." By all measures, Fiji was moving forward before this coup, in fact before all other coups. Each coup has set Fiji backwards, and this one is no different. Every time we have a coup, our standing, our reputation with the international community heads south. Deep south. The idea therefore of using a coup to move the country forward via a coup is absurd, to say the least. How can a course of action that leads to economic, financial, social and political hardship be moving us forward? How can killing innocent civilians be justified with this? How can toppling a democratically elected government move us forward?
All these coups have achieved is they have stunted our growth as a nation. It's a testiment to our resilience as a country that we still grew in this period - no thanks to the coup executers. Imagine where we would be now if there had never been coups? I'm sure those of you who are economically and statistically inclined can easily prove this from the GDP growth figures and the like that our Bureau of Stats produces faithfully each year.
Now Bainimarama claimed that "our doors are open and we have nothing to hide". Really?????? How about the murderers who are still at large and hiding as soldiers? How about the tax evaders masquerading as ministers in your Government? How about the rampant Human Rights violations condoned and carried out against those who speak out in opposition against this coup? A little bird told me that the FMF still search for me....and that the search for the "bloggers" has not died down at all. How about the fact that our taxes are now being used to fund trips overseas for unelected regime members, for rental cars used by this regime? How about the fact that there has not been a shred of evidence produced by this regime to justify it's actions? oh I forgot, they didn't hide that..BECAUSE HIDING IT WOULD IMPLY THAT THEY HAVE THE EVIDENCE WHICH THEY DON'T!!!!!!
Another claim Bainimarama made is that "we are on our way to improving governance and creating a more progressive nation". I thought the fact that the 2006 elections produced the first truly multiparty cabinet was a sign of a country making progress. I thought the fact that the number of seats awarded in said parliment reflected the wishes of the people was testimony to the progress we were making as a nation. Improving Governance???? How???? By appointing idiots like Teleni, Leweni, Aiyaz and Shaista to positions they have no experience, intelligence or plain old common sense for? By running the nation as an extension of a petty group of soldiers whose knowledge base doesn't go far beyond marching, watching and guarding? By listening to people like Raturala for advise on the media, Kurusiga for advise on the GCC, Aiyaz for advise on legal issues, Shaista for advise on human rights issues, Nailatikau for Foreign affiars????? How good is the country going to be, surely if you use these mentally challenged people to decide the fates of our people? What have they done to merit ( THE WORD IS MERIT!!!) their positions? What have you done Bainimarama, to prove that you have the nous, the capability to lead this nation? Your leadership is bringing us the wrong direction.
Now Japan has joined a lot of other nations in condemning this regime. USA, Australia, New Zealand, the EU, and Canada have all condemned this regime. The G8 have said " Bainimarama, your regime sucks..." and this is coming from people who know the real deal, and it is surely not this "Government".
We are not moving forward. Moving forward does not mean pay cuts, job losses, death, injury, aid suspension, assistance withdrawl. It means better living conditions for us, for all. Now investers who had their eye on Fiji are now spending their money elsewhere, and we are losing out to our neighbours, as they international community see us as a volatile nation, one in which it is not safe to invest. Moving forward means elections, an inclusive government, where the policies and legislations implemented are reflective of the will of the people, and not as we have now, where the will of the people is being subjugated to the will of the idiots... I mean the few.
Seriously, why can't we have elections? Why? No Money? I'm sure the international community will fall over themselves to donate expertise, money and resources to fund any election. No candidates? Possibly..with this regime threatening previous candidates who would like to stand in any upcoming elections if there are any. Any why shouldn't they? Isn't the decision as to who forms the next Government ours? Who gave this regime the right to decide that? The guns? How pathetic!!! What kind of moving forward is that?
To move forward, this is what we need to do.
- Have elections.
- Get a Democratically elected government in place
- Dismantle the Army. It's an institute that got FJ$80 million in last year's budget (given by the SDL no less!!) and they brought all this crap down upon us. To really get rid of the coup culture, get rid of it's incubator in Delainabua.
- Prosecute all coup executers, and put them away for a long, long time. Why should George Speight be the only one to pay his dues to society? Rabuka and Bainimarama should also join him. Or are there a different set of rules for soldiers who break the law?
To the liars in the FMF Media Cell, please stop peddling all this rubbish. It's makes you look really stupid. The people of Fiji are far more intelligent than you give them credit for,
God Bless Fiji,
FijianBlack aka Mawdsomething.
Well said, Fijianblack. Dr goebels himself must have taught the green goons their propaganda techniques. But they are starting to be exposed as liars.
Another lie from the illegal jaundiced junta has been exposed.
"Shyster is a liar!" says UN.
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour, has also recently expressed concern over the actions of Director Shameem. In a letter to Dr Shameem, dated October 3rd, Ms Arbour said, "I sincerely regret that the Fiji Human Rights Commission is no longer a part of the ICC and has decided not to pursue re-joining that important body at its upcoming meeting in October." Ms Arbour was also troubled by recent media statements by Dr Shameem, which appeared to imply that the Director (now Chair of the FHRC) was preparing reports on behalf of the UN High Commissioner. In the letter, Ms Arbour said that no reports or investigations are carried out on her behalf by anyone outside of the UN. She has called on Dr Shameem to clarify this misrepresentation in the media. [polite way of saying liar]
I just read that on Fiji Times Online... Seriously though..did you expect anything else?
And this is someone who is the Amicus to the about keeping your friends even closer!!!
Bula FB & MS - welcome back. You said it - and you know what - people know this - it needs people like you to push home the point and to convince the masses that this is real - the place we are living in ... living in this living lie that is the junta. Please don't stop blogging - we miss you when you aren't pressing it home for us!
Fijian Black this is probably your best posting so far. Keep blogging I beg thee and may I ask if its okay to post your current comments on the solivakasama blog as well to widen the coverage as much as possible.
I mean people need to read this.
This is so powerful and we must constantly kindle the flame of resistance otherwise the mass might become to complacent.
It says this in the bible?
As the Bible says " Moving forward means elections, an inclusive government, where the policies and legislations implemented are reflective of the will of the people, and not as we have now, where the will of the people is being subjugated to the will of the idiots... I mean the few.
I don't think so.
UTOF wants its Momi money back
Tuesday October 16, 2007
A winding up notice has been sent to Muanirewa Resort Ltd, the company linked to the Momi Bay developers Matapo Ltd, after it defaulted on a $12 million loan repayment to the Unit Trust of Fiji.
“We have had meetings, and promises have been made and not honoured. At the moment we are commencing our legal process to recover the money because there is no concrete evidence that they have got money to pay,” Unit Trust lawyer Sosefo Inoke says.
He said the company has been given 21 days to pay up.
Muainirewa was to have paid the loan back to Unit Trust by September 30 but the deadline was extended to October 10, but no money was forthcoming.
Inoke says there is no indication as to when the money would be paid.
For its part, Matapo Ltd says it would make a statement when the issue is resolved.
Inoke says this is money owed to the small investors whose savings are invested with the Unit Trust of Fiji.
“They are not rich people ... they are ordinary working people.”
He says investors come from overseas, take big loans and don’t pay it back. “We spend a lot of money trying to recover it.”
Late last month, Fiji's interim Government had said it would be requesting financial institution, the Fiji Development Bank to give a further $15 million to Matapo Limited in respect of the Momi Bay development project. (The multi million dollar project has been at a standstill since early this year due to lack of funds.)
However, Government said the funds were to be held in escrow until Matapo repaid all debts owed to the Unit Trust of Fiji, and Matapo sources $36 million from offshore which was required to develop the project.
It is unclear at this stage whether Matapo has been able to source the funds.
The project is divided into two phases. Stage 1 is owned and managed by Matapo Ltd and stage 2 by Muainarewa Resort Ltd.
Stage I of the project has to date been financed by $90m contributed by shareholders of Matapo Ltd together with funds provided by the FDB/FNPF syndicate approved total loan facility of $74m.
Unit Trust of Fiji provided a loan of $12m to Muainarewa Resorts Ltd for the purchase of 422 acres of land required for Stage II.
“At the end of the day, we want the money back and that is the normal commercial terms under the contract,” Inoke says.
My Bad...I was thinking of the Bible while posting and somehow that got past the censors... I stand corrected.
Got past the censors? What censors?
There's no one here monitoring what you post, except your readers... who are of course, primed to be misled by someone living in the US and with very little understanding of what's happening on the ground.
Why don't you write about the BIG CHHERS Frank got while in Tonga?
Anon (October 16, 2007 3:10 AM)...please post this on the Solivakasama blog if you wish....
Vinaka Fijian Black, will do that no and acknowledge you of course
Как говорилось на Судя по отзывам на этом форуме, мужчины-близнец поголовно бабники, ветренные, кинут в всякий момент, бросят, изменят и тп и тд. Предлагаю опровергнуть стереотипы и устаревшие клише.
Доводы за и против мужчин-близнецов. +)
Как говорилось на Здравствуйте!Помогите,кто знает что делать!Может кто-нибудь с таким сталкивался.У кошки (4.5года,1 раз были котята)набухли 2 груди,одна сильно,другая чуть поменьше.Возила к врачу,сказал-мастит,выписал антибиотик,амоксицилин и мазать камфорным маслом груди.Прокололи 10 дней и никаких результатов,не сокращаются они,а на днях я их массировала,а от туда молочко немножко вышло,ну я сколько сумела сцедила,но всё точно еще они большими остались и сейчас какие-то не очень большие шишочки прощупываются.Я сейчас испугалась-может это опухоль у неё?!!
Как говорилось на Добрый день!
Разбирала вчера шкаф, взяла в толк, что много вещей уже не буду носить. Выбрасывать жалко. Хотеловь бы реально помочь людям, отдать в многодетную семью, к примеру, но боюсь попасть на пьяницаов, коие все продадут. В церковь не буду носить- у нас возле нее цыгане ходят, думаю что не дойдет до нужных рук.
Заранее спасибо
Как говорилось на 6 лет занималсь аэробикой, шейпингом ну и все произвольные от этого... Два месяца назад уволился тренер и до сих пор замену не найдут, работает только тренажерный зал. Никогда раньше не занималась на тренажерах, мои мышцы имеют предрасположенность к перекачиванию (занималась с утяжелителями), с чего же стоит начать и имеет ли резон? Склонность к полноте есть и уже перерыв в занятиях 2 месяца, тренер там есть, но поскольку это все платное естественно он скажет что все будет поскольку нужно. Посовейтуйте у кого есть опыт! Мнения фитнес инструкторов тем более важно!!!!
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Стоит только привыкнуть к труду – и уже нельзя жить без него. Неусыпный труд все препятствия преодолевает. Если же ты что-то сделал пусть медленно, но хорошо, то быстро все позабудут, что ты работал медленно, зато будут долго вспоминать, что ты сделал это хорошо. Где работа, там и густо, а в ленивом дому - пусто. Нажитое трудом потеряется бездельем. Труд вырабатывает какие-нибудь особенные гормоны, повышающие жизненный импульс. Обошли все центры занятости. Будешь делать кое-как, так и получится кое-что
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Разбирала вчера шкаф, взяла в толк, что много вещей уже не буду носить. Выбрасывать жалко. Хотеловь бы реально помочь людям, отдать в многодетную семью, к примеру, но боюсь попасть на пьяницаов, коие все продадут. В церковь не буду носить- у нас возле нее цыгане ходят, думаю что не дойдет до нужных рук.
Заранее спасибо
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